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“Power of Expression” School Assembly for Mental Health

On behalf of the Ed Lally Foundation, Jordan Lally and Big Infinite returned to Jordan’s alma mater The John Carroll School spreading mental health awareness through storytelling, live music & meditation. The “Power of Expression” assembly was well-received by the administration and the student body.

JCS assembly

The experience was personally rewarding for Jordan as well, as high school was a time in his life when social anxiety began to severely limit his life experience and interactions with others. “To be able to return to John Carroll and connect openly and honestly with so many people was powerful for me”, shared Jordan.

The John Carroll assembly was the latest in a series of presentations by Jordan, the band and co-producer Tars DeCapite at schools throughout Maryland, including C. Milton Wright High School, Resurrection St. Paul’s Middle School, Bel Air High School, and many more.


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